OJSC launches new turbines for nuclear power plant

OJSC Power Machines (OJSC) has successfully tested a high-speed turbine designed for the Leningradskaya first power unit (LNPP-2) in Russia, the company has announced.

OJSC signed a R40bn ($1.22bn) contract with Russia-based Atomenergoprom in 2008, to supply turbine hall equipment for the Novovoronezskaya NPP-2 (NVNPP-2) and LNPP-2 plants, which are under construction.
Two power units equipped with WWER reactors with the electric power of 1,200MW are to be built at each of the nuclear power plants.
The shipment of the first turbines for NVNPP-2 and LNPP-2 is scheduled to commence later this year.