Renewables Like Wind, Solar Hit Record High In Italy In 2023

In a past development that has been brought to attention now, renewable energy production- solar and wind, to be specific, hit a record high in 2023 in Italy as the nation went on to more than double its newly installed green source capacity, power grid operator Terna said on January 22.

Apparently, solar panel generation surged to 30.6 terawatt hours-TWh whereas wind farms generated 23.4 TWh, Terna said.

It went on to add that all renewable sources, such as hydroelectric plants, went on to cover almost 37% of electricity demand, which was up from 31% in 2022, thereby showing that the 2030 energy transition objectives for the country could very well be feasible.

Italy looks forward to generating almost two-thirds of its electricity from renewable energy sources by the end of this decade, the energy ministry said in June last year in its draft Plan for Energy and Climate- PNIEC.

But the development of solar and wind farms in Italy goes on to face numerous challenges, such as a lengthy process to win permits and, in some cases, resistance when it comes to local administrations and the public, who indeed fear damage when it comes to both the landscape as well as agriculture.

On January 22, Terna also remarked that newly installed renewable capacity increased by 5.8 gigawatt- GW, thereby signalling a big jump vis-à-vis 2022 when fresh additions when it comes to green capacity were almost equivalent to 2.7 GW.

Power production from gas-fired as well as coal-fired stations dipped, respectively, by 17.4% and 42% in 2023, compensated because of the rise when it comes to green production as well as electricity imports from abroad.

It is well to be noted that, in 2023, total power consumption in Italy dipped 2.8% year-on-year to 306.1 TWh, added Terna.