NEL to establish high pressure multiphase flow facility in UK

UK-based flow measurement services provider NEL has agreed to set up a new high pressure multiphase flow facility at its Glasgow laboratories, with an investment of £500,000.

NEL said the facility, which will be the first in the UK, and replicate a wide range of multiphase flow conditions at high pressures of up to 60 bar, equivalent to a sea depth of 600 meters.

The company said that the new facility will help equipment vendors and operators for the development and verification of instruments for multiphase and wet gas flows.

In addition, the facility will help in identification of multiphase flow conditions at high pressures and enable oil and gas companies to reduce their capital and operating costs.

NEL director Dr Brian Millington said, “With worldwide oil reserves dwindling, the industry has increased subsea exploration to grow reserve volumes.”

“It is therefore vital that our new High Pressure Multiphase Flow Facility reproduces realistic subsea pressures to assure both equipment vendors and operators that their flow meters will function reliably once installed,” Millington added.